Jacob Nelson
I plan to attend Texas A & M in the fall to achieve my dream of becoming an architect, it has been a passion of mine ever since the eighth grade, when I learned about my favorite architect Frank Lloyd Wright. I want to be an architect so I can evoke emotion through the shapes and curves of a home, to inspire others to live their dreams, to make my work speak without words. As an aspiring architect, I hope to create innovative buildings that take us into the next era. I will create sustainable living that will be a place for people to gather and come together. I will become the next Frank Lloyd Wright, the next role model for others to look up to. My name will go down in history as the next great architect; I will become an Architect because that is what I have decided I want to be. This scholarship will help alleviate stress, and allow me to focus solely on my future. I will be able to work less and study more. I will never give up or back down when a challenge arises, when I have a goal in mind I will stop at nothing to achieve it. Without this scholarship, I will be struggling to balance a job, my school work, and life in the corps throughout college. It would mean the world to me to receive this scholarship, it would give me an opportunity unlike any other I have received. A college education is important to me so I will be able to support a family one day and live a pleasant life. With this scholarship I will be one step closer to becoming who I want to be. One step closer to making an impact in the world.