Jennifer Cabrera
Throughout my academic journey, I constantly changed the field I wanted to study. Growing up, I wanted to be a Veterinarian, doctor, registered nurse, and now business. It started off in 8th grade when I realized I wanted to keep studying business. I began taking an entrepreneur class, where I learned how to start a business and creating a business plan. When it was time to start applying to high schools, I decided to apply to the School of Business and Management, where I knew I would learn a lot about the business field. After graduating from the School of Business and Management, I decided to go to the University of North Texas at Dallas and major in General Business.
As an aspiring college graduate, I plan on being an entrepreneur. I currently make customized shirts and decals and want to expand my business by offering other services. I love learning new things and applying it to my business. I also plan on traveling the world to learn other aspects of business. With my knowledge, I also want to teach other students what I know in the business field.